These classes (shaded in red and yellow) will no longer be making videos or holding Google Meetings :
Classes added Monday 16DEC2024 are shaded in yellow.
Policy for the cessation of videos and Google Meetings :
Due to the changing security situation in Lebanon, we will be steadily closing our online system.
The LAST videos will be made on Monday 23DEC2024. The last Google Meetings will be on Thursday 19DEC2024.
However, before that date, we will be phasing out our videos depending on the number of students attending our classes.
I will use Class 6F (a class that does not exist!) as an example. The total number of students registered for 6F is 30. At the moment, 24 (80%) are present in school and 6 are online. When the number present climbs to more than 90%, we will stop making videos in that class and all Google Meetings will stop. This means that if 27 students attend in 6F, the online system will stop for that class. WHATEVER happens, even if less than 27 students are present in class, the last videos will be posted on Monday 23DEC2024.
This will be the case for ALL classes.
NOTE : Small Group classes, A Level Subject Classes (in 11A and 12A) and Special Arabic classes (all school) will cease videos and Google Meetings when ONE person is absent. This is because they have a maximum of 15 people in their classes.
As we are eagerly looking forward to going back to the normal 7-hour timetable, the Google Meetings might well end BEFORE the 23DEC2024. The day we implement the full 7-hour timetable is the day we stop the Google Meetings.